The Spell:
To whom do you belong? What lives within your spiritual and genetic DNA?
This course offers a facilitated ritual learning container for participants to call upon a willingness to explore with vulnerability, response-ability and compassionate courage.
To wonder aloud and to contemplate if, how and where shame lives inside.
We’ll examine the consequences of the exportation of institutional and historical gaslighting, and the coercion of estrangement from the World’s Song.
We’ll endeavor to investigate supremacist patterns and how they creates challenges for interrupting the widespread harm to the earth and the Web of Life.
This is messy, imperfect magic, non-linear, non-dualistic – potentially awakening new spiritual muscles.
The Offering:
A template for sacred conversation about the inherited coercion into empire-orientation: a Councilway in which to notice the impulse of ‘needing to know/solve/fix’ and recognize that as a symptom of colonized thinking.
Intuition supports “staying with the trouble,” as we greet a shame-superiority shadow cycle with our rooted resilience. Raise the mirror and know in our blood that the incarcerated soul powers must be freed and reallocated toward our struggles for liberation.
Forgive what you could not control happening, and don’t mistake it for being non-accountable. Commit to engaging what is possible to change.
Wisemind helps navigate our self-truths and opens us to the our-truths. Our own creature vessels open to the conjurings of motion toward solidarity and mutual aid. Antenna unfurled seeking the beacons of guidance through our longing for justice and regenerative life ways.
All around us the face of collapse shows itself as the hungry ghosts feeding off personal and cultural annihilation. The impulse to turn the terror of seeming powerlessness onto our own and others’ bodies; a longing to belong.
Course Premises:
The cultural identity of whiteness was constructed to facilitate the colonization of other peoples' lands and cultures in service of Empire. Whiteness as a construct is irredeemable and inherently, pathologically destructive.
Engaging feelings about whiteness is necessary to dissolve the egregore of whiteness, and to turn the focus of whiteness-privileged people toward difficult and enduring questions about accomplice-ship, amends and reparations. This work is for the ancestors, ourselves, and the descendants.